
Ecocide in Ukraine: The Environmental Cost of Russia’s War, Polity Press, forthcoming 2025 

Limits of Collaboration: Art, Ethics, and Donbas, with Victoria Donovan, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Ukraine, 2022

Peer-reviewed articles 

Constellations of Ukrainian Thought and the Environmental Humanities, with Tanya Richardson, East/West: Journal of Ukrainian Studies, forthcoming spring 2024 

I Dream of Seeing the Steppe Again: Plant Stories in the Context of Russia’s War on Ukraine, Narrative Culture, 2023 

What My Body Taught Me about Being a Scholar of Ukraine and from Ukraine in Times of Russia’s War of Aggression, Journal of International Relations and Developement, July 2023 
       Polish translation by Kasia Bojarska: Konteksty, February 2024

Radiant AbsencesAntennae: The Journal of Nature in Visual Culture, no. issue 61: Earthly Mattering, summer 2023 

What Does It Mean to Study Environments in Ukraine Now?, Environment & Society Portal, Arcadiasummer 2022

Academia Must Recentre Embodied and Uncomfortable Knowledge, Nature Human Behaviour, no. 6, 2022 
      Polish translation by Kasia Bojarska: Konteksty, February 2024

“Strange and Twisted Love”: Researching Art Practices in Donbas through Collaborative Frames, with Victoria Donovan, REGION: Regional Studies of Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia, vol. 10, no. 1, 2021 

The Stories We Tell: Memory, Engagement(s) and Donbas, with Precious Chatterje-Doody, Modern Languages Open, 2021 

Between Plant Fossils and Oral Histories: Tracing Vegetal Imaginaries from Donbas, Ukraine, Ruukku: Studies in Artistic Research, 2021

Edited peer-reviewed special issues 

Beyond Anthropocentrism in Ukrainian Studies: Proposals from the Environmental Humanities, co-edited with Tanya Richardson, East/West: Journal of Ukrainian Studies, forthcoming fall 2024/winter 2025.  

Slavic Studies Goes Public: Who? What? Why? Where? When?, with Victoria Donovan and James Rann, Modern Languages Open, 2021

Academic book chapters 

Récits de plantes dans les témoignages oraux d’une personne déplacée dans la région du Donbass, Ukraine
(Plant Narratives in Oral Histories of a person displaced from Donbas, Ukraine), La mobilité des plantes à travers le récit,eds. Rachel Bouvet and Stéphanie Posthumus, Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, pp. 159-176, 2024.


War in the SteppesDivided Horizon - The Future of Ukraine, eds. Kateryna Mishchenko and Katharina Raabe, Suhrkampf Verlag, forthcoming February 2024. 

The Unlikely Species Entangled in Ukraine's Resistance to Russia, BBC Future Planet, February 24, 2024, 

DO NOT DESPAIR: a letter to a scholar whose homeland will be attacked by Russia next, ASEEES 2023 Presidential Planery: Decolonization in Practice, December 1, 2023 
      Latvian translation by Una Bergmane: Punctum, January 2024

Long and Short Vowels of Environmental Justice, Before the Future —Ukrainian Pavilion at the 18th Biennale Architettura in Venice, eds. Oleksii Petrov and Kateryna Ulianova, ist publishing, forthcoming December 2023.

Ukraine and the Traps of Proximity to European and Slavic Russian Whiteness, The Funambulist Magazine: Politics of Space and Bodies, 2023

A Landmine Detonates in the WoodsIWM post, 2022

        Latvian translation by Māra Poļakova: Punctum, May 2024.

Environmental Humanities, Ukrainian Studies: It’s Time to Talk, with Tanya Richardson, NiCHE: Network in Canadian History & Environment, 2022

The Politics of Watching: Documentary Visions of the Ukrainian East, with Victoria Donovan, Klassiki, 2022 
       Slovak translation by Barbora Weberová: Kapitál, October 2022.

Erasure: Russian Imperialism, My Research on Donbas, and IKAJET, 2022

Від ruin porn до «заброшка-еротики»: дослідження Вікторії Донован та Дар’ї Цимбалюк про Сєвєродонецьк ( From “Ruin Porn” to the Zabroshka Erotic: Research by Victoria Donovan and Darya Tsymbalyuk), with Victoria Donovan, Your Art, 2021 

Lockdown and Locked in: Houseplants and COVID-19, Seeing the Woods: a blog by the Rachel Carson Center, 2020 

         republished at Springs: Rachel Carson Center Review, Issue 2, 2022 2020

Пам’ять вугілля (Memory of Coal), Коридор: журнал про сучасну культуру, 2020

Reluctance to Self-identify as ‘Displaced’ and the Question of Agency, Naukovi Zapysky Natsionalnoho Universytetu “Ostrozska Akademiia”, 2017


Ukraine’s Energy Security Can’t Come at the Cost of the Environment, openDemocracy, November 2023 

Kakhovska Dam Destruction Is Part of the Climate Emergency, openDemocracy, June 2023 

Колоніалізм та скорбота, в чому роль довкіллєвої гуманітаристики сьогодні (Colonialism and Grief, What Is the Role of Environmental Humanities Today)Suspilne. Kultura, June 2023

We Talked to Fellow Feminists from Ukraine about Military Aid, Here’s What They Told Us. With Iryna Zamuruieva, Tonya & Masha from ReSew sewing cooperative, Kateryna Iakovlenko, Anna Khvyl, and Iryna Kostyshyna, BLOK magazine,  2022
    Romanian translation by Teodor Ajder, Mămăliga de Varșovia / Mamałyga Warszawska

Why We as Feminists Must Lobby for Air Defence for Ukraine? With Iryna Zamuruieva,openDemocracy 2022

    Ukrainian translation by Aliona Gruzina, Gender in Detail 

Other writing 

Letters to My Parents, Jeu de Paume, 2022

Displaced Garden, animation script, 2019 

A Proper Goodbye, short story, Nat.Brut, 2019

Adrian, short story, Litro, 2018, Editor’s pick

Strawberry Summer, short story, Fiction International, 2018

My Trip to a Village Displaced after the Chernobyl DisasterEastern Iowa Review, 2018

A Red Cloud, short story, Brasilia Review, 2017

Days of Waiting for an End, short story, The Blotter, 2017

Cosmonaut, short story, Bitterzoet Magazine, 2017


Pāri plūstošā pasaule. Saruna ar ukraiņu rakstnieci Darju Cimbaļuku [The flowing world. A conversation with the Ukrainian writer Darja Tsimbalyuk], interview by Linda Mence, Satori, June 2024 

The connections that keep us going, interview by Kateryna Babych, Filma Feminist Film Festival, December 2023 

Interview between Marko Pavlyshyn and Darya Tsymbalyuk on the past and present of postcolonial debates in Ukraine, south/south dialogues: Beyond the colonial vortex of the ‘West’: Subverting non-western imperialisms before and after 24 February 2022, South South Movement, July 2023 

Places We Love | Art and the Ukrainian East, Kate Cowcher, Victoria Donovan, Catherine Spenser, and Darya Tsymbalyuk interviewed by Ananya Jain, SHOR, December 2022 

“The war conquers you not only physically”: Darya Tsymbalyuk on plants and humans in Ukraine, interview curated and edited by José Vergara,Public Books,  2022